Sunday, May 19, 2013

Culture Validity and Families

This week I learned about cultures and whether or not some are more valid than others. We described valid as sound, well-founded, and produces desired results. In class we discussed variables that could possibly make a culture more "valid" than others. A few things we came up with were the quantity and quality of collected data in a culture, the bringing of children to God, and gospel truths in a particular culture. We came to the conclusion that God loves all of His children and since no culture is totally valid and because ours has its flaws as well, it is hard for us to determine the validity of some cultures over others. It is especially hard to do this when we are taught in the gospel that all are equal, to love everyone, and refrain from judgment. I thought a great point that was made was those cultures that are drawing nearer to Christ and striving to follow his example could be considered more valid because they will be believing and living more correctly. We then explored the idea of culture outside of ethnicity or divided regions of the world. We talked about the importance of family cultures and creating one little by little right now. This weekend I had the opportunity to attend the baptism of my very best friend. My family came in support of both of us and we were all able to spend some quality time together enjoying each others company. It is in instances like these that I am able to see family culture qualities that I want to incorporate into my own future family. Things like spirituality, love, laughter, support, selflessness, and tenderness. I am so thankful for the wonderful family I have, the love they show me, and the example they are to me.

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